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其他类英语作文 2014-12-23 23:25:38




In the morning of February 2, huoshenshan hospital held a delivery ceremony under the eyes of tens of millions of netizens "cloud supervisor", and patients can be admitted tomorrow. At the same time, leishenshan hospital will also be completed on February 5. So far, the "three mountains" have finally come together, adding some confidence to overcome the difficulties altogether. In nearly half a month, academician Zhong Nanshan has appeared several times, stabilizing the "military heart" to a large extent


There is no doubt that this is a very special and difficult Spring Festival, without visiting relatives and friends, or going out to play, most people are very persuaded to "stay at home", because he is the one who gives advice. Even in the whole holiday, "Zhong Nanshan" has been frequently searched. People hope to know more about his judgment and suggestions in the face of the coming outbreak of new coronavirus pneumonia.


In fact, at the beginning, I was not familiar with the three words "Zhongnanshan", but with the outbreak of this epidemic, I gradually knew this great man.


During the SARS campaign 17 years ago, Zhong Nanshan became a household name and won wide public trust. Since then, he has been in charge of most of the prevention and control teams in Guangdong Province for acute infectious diseases. Even if he is over eighty, it does not prevent him from coming to the front line of fighting the epidemic.


This time, there is no exception. In recent days, the epidemic prevention and control work has affected people's minds, and everyone is measuring with a "scale". Some questioned the negligence of a small number of leading cadres, some criticized the untimely distribution of donated materials. At the same time, many people lamented that on January 20, academician Zhong Nanshan "woke up" everyone, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. That novel coronavirus Chung Nan Shan appeared in CCTV news 1+1 video link on the night. It affirmed the phenomenon of "someone passing on" and confirmed that there were medical staff infection. He admitted that the knowledge of the new coronavirus was not enough, and reminded the public to wear masks, and did not go to Wuhan without special circumstances. More than ten minutes of questions and answers, without any pretense. Later, many friends said that they didn't realize that the epidemic had escalated until this time, so they should be more vigilant. However, academician Zhong is 84 years old, which can't be seen in the video. Facing the epidemic and making a key voice, it has to be him 17 years ago. Some media commented on Zhong Nanshan that "there are academician's specialties, warrior's bravery, and national scholar's responsibility". On January 18, after rescuing the relevant cases from Shenzhen, they returned to Guangzhou. Upon receiving the notice, they hurried to Wuhan. On January 19, they learned about the epidemic situation and studied the prevention and control plan on the spot. At night, they flew from Wuhan to Beijing. On January 20, they attended the executive meeting of the State Council as nonvoting delegates and put forward specific suggestions on how to curb the spread of the epidemic.


This 84 year old man really works hard for the people, the motherland and his own responsibility. He respected the fact more than the authority of the spirit of truth-seeking, dedicated dedication, strict discipline, lenient spirit of fraternity deeply touched us. He arrived in Wuhan under the severe situation of the epidemic. Some people call him "rebel" with high respect, but he only says that he is a doctor!


In this gray and silent holiday, the old man, like a lighthouse, shines on the hearts of thousands of people, but also into the depths of my heart, so that my heart ignites the flame of hard work, never flinch, dare to climb!



In January 2020, novel coronavirus was attacked in Wuhan, Hubei. Among the many angels in white who are fighting against the virus and saving lives, I have noticed a 84 year old man with gray hair. He is academician Zhong Nanshan whom I admire most.


The novel coronavirus is highly infectious. It is infected with the virus and is dangerous when it is heavy. You have been appointed commander in chief of the "war epidemic" by the state. When you went to Wuhan, when you were interviewed by reporters, you earnestly warned the people of the whole country: "nothing, don't go to Wuhan." Then he boarded the high-speed rail without hesitation. The photos of you taking a rest on the high-speed rail seat make people all over the country moved and tearful. After arriving in Wuhan, you have repeatedly appealed through the media to everyone to pay attention to safety and isolation, but you have put yourself into the battle without gunsmoke regardless of your personal safety.


Today, the number of confirmed infections and deaths is increasing day by day, which is a great test and threat to the angels in white participating in the battle. But you didn't flinch, but you took out your own skills and courage to take on the responsibility of protecting your country. With your actions, you show the heroic spirit of "die in national calamity, and see death as return". Your white robe is your battle garment, and your wisdom is your sword. You work day and night to lead the angels in white to overcome difficulties and devote yourself to human health. In a recent interview, you said with tears of heroes in your eyes, "Wuhan is a city of heroes, which can pass the customs." Once again, your feelings of serving the world in a tearful manner.


Academician Zhong Nanshan, I admire you! You have succeeded in carrying out an assignment, go forward with great strength and vigour, and novel coronavirus, which has caused the destruction of human beings, and have already sown a sharp sword. It is a great blood for Wuhan, for the motherland and for humanity.


Academician Zhong Nanshan, I admire you! Not only you, but also tens of thousands of angels in white who participated in the "war epidemic" like you and ran retrogradely to the most dangerous battlefield. You are the most beautiful Chinese, thank you!
