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观后感 2011-06-28 06:51:14



篇一:Wild China观后感

Wild China

The last hidden world ----China.

After watching the video for the second time, I was still fascinated by the well-bedded terraces, endless steppes, beautiful mountains and etc. There is no doubt that this video is a completely outstanding documentary which reflects Chinese Human Geography. To be honest, as a Chinese, I feel ashamed that I have not seen the most sceneries in this video. Our country is so attractive that I can not wait to learn more about it.

In addition, when I was attracted by the beautiful scenery, I still thought about the development of our country. China has the largest population and the most ancient culture in the world, developing is the most important problem now. Land desertification, water resources crisis, more and more Industrial wastes, we need to face all those problems.

Although China has vast territory and abundant resources, we should take care of it. There are so many species have disappeared forever, what we can do is to do our best to protect them. I hope our country will be wild not only in the past but also in the future.

篇二:This is water观后感

The Review Writing of《This is Water》

The author, David Foster Wallace, was considered by many to be one of the finest writers of his generation. He only gave one speech in public in all his life, in which he talked about his view of life. The speech happened in a commencement of Kenyon College in 2005. Now, the widely distributed video has been into a thin book, which name is “this is water”.

According to Wallace's view, the water was on behalf of the most obviously, the most important reality, but it was difficult to see or talk about; and “the same experience for different people may mean something completely different”, because everyone had a different “default settings” and a different way from the experience in the construction of meaning. Therefore, the ideal of liberal education was to make people out of this self center, learning to “how to think” and “thinking” control. Wallace then cut to the usual humor and plain philosophy from the contemporary urban life, pointing out the importance of maintaining vigilance and consciousness. At the same time, we should be free to choose the way of looking at things.

At the beginning of the speech, Wallace talked a story about the fish, and it is pointed out that “the most obvious, ubiquitous, important realities are often the hardest to see and talk about”. In our daily life, we tend to think that we are the absolute center of the natural, just like our default-setting. But most, we tend to automatically determine the thing, in fact, is completely wrong, even be fooled. Therefore in front of fact, we should learn to choose and think deeply. Then Wallace cited an example of the story of shopping in the supermarket. Just as our natural default-setting, we may think that traffic jams and crowded aisles and long checkout lines are pissed and miserable experience. When we think like this, we are operating on the automatic, unconscious belief that we are the center of the world, so that we feel the most boring and the most frustrating part in the adult world. However, if we changed our method of thinking, we may feel the difference of the things and make other choices. But doing like this is hard, needs will and mental effort. If we want to feel a meaningful and sacred experience instead of a crowed, loud, slow situation, the only thing we should do is to decide what to worship. We have the right to decided what to worship, but there are different kinds of freedom. The real freedom includes attention, and awareness, and displaying. In order to achieve this freedom, we should keep reminding ourselves “This is water” constantly. But it is hard to maintain awareness and activity in the adult world; we should keep study from now on.

As a famous saying said, life is not a lack of beauty, but the lack of eyes to find beauty. We should be good at discovering hidden in the things below the surfaceof things, it will open another world.


《美丽中国》是表现中国野生动植物和自然人文景观的大型电视纪录片,看过之后给了我深深的触动。纪录片作为“以真实生活为创作素材,以真人真事为表现对象的电 影电视艺术形式” ,其手段在于对真实素材进行艺术加工与展现,其目的在于以展现真实为 本质,并用真实引发人们思考。但是,自然类纪录片因为较少有人的参与,缺少人与人之间 一目了然的矛盾冲突和引人入胜的故事情节, 与社会类的纪录片相比, 它更多地表现为单纯 的猎奇与对真实镜头的捕捉,在思维品格上难以胜出。在纪录片创作中,创作观念是非常重 要的,创作者在拍摄纪录片之前,先要对所表现的事物进行思考。任何一部纪录片都或多或 少地体现作者对艺术和生命的态度, 纪实的品格上升为思维的品格, 才能使创作进入审美的 层次。 国际自然类电视节目主席帕萨`萨拉斯曾说: “自然类影片绝不只是动物、树和昆虫等非 常近的镜头和放大镜头,还有被称为自然精神的东西。也就是说拍摄自然类纪录片,首先需 要摄制者对自然的热爱和了解,要懂得珍爱生命、尊重生命。它需要一种人文精神,而绝不 只是为了追求感官刺激。 ”他同时还说: “现今社会强调的人文精神,并不是单纯的指对人的 价值、人的个性、人的尊严、人的地位、人的发展与人的自由的关怀、看护和尊重,还有我 们所在的这个大自然,包括自然中的一切生命。人文精神就是一种关怀,真诚的对自然世界 的一种关怀。 ”

《美丽中国》是一部反映中国自然生态的纪录片。由 BBC 环球公司与中国中视传媒股 份有限公司联合拍摄,英文名称为”WILD CHINA” ,也有译为《野性中国》《锦绣中华》, 历时三年拍摄,共六集。与其说这是一部纪录片,不如说它是一场视觉的盛宴。诗一般的画 面、 伴之纯粹大自然的声音、 独具中国气质的磅礴之声相结合的美丽画面都给我们带来 了一种久违的震撼,强大的视觉冲击力带给我们的是全新的视听完美享受。 然而,不仅如此,纪录片《美丽中国》中更有一种陷于画面和音乐背后的、厚实的浓浓 的情怀,一种博大警世的人文关怀流淌其中,它不仅给我一种视觉的震撼,更让我有了对自 然的震撼与敬畏。



篇一:Wild China观后感

Wild China

The last hidden world ----China.

After watching the video for the second time, I was still fascinated by the well-bedded terraces, endless steppes, beautiful mountains and etc. There is no doubt that this video is a completely outstanding documentary which reflects Chinese Human Geography. To be honest, as a Chinese, I feel ashamed that I have not seen the most sceneries in this video. Our country is so attractive that I can not wait to learn more about it.

In addition, when I was attracted by the beautiful scenery, I still thought about the development of our country. China has the largest population and the most ancient culture in the world, developing is the most important problem now. Land desertification, water resources crisis, more and more Industrial wastes, we need to face all those problems.

Although China has vast territory and abundant resources, we should take care of it. There are so many species have disappeared forever, what we can do is to do our best to protect them. I hope our country will be wild not only in the past but also in the future.

篇二:This is water观后感

The Review Writing of《This is Water》

The author, David Foster Wallace, was considered by many to be one of the finest writers of his generation. He only gave one speech in public in all his life, in which he talked about his view of life. The speech happened in a commencement of Kenyon College in 2005. Now, the widely distributed video has been into a thin book, which name is “this is water”.

According to Wallace's view, the water was on behalf of the most obviously, the most important reality, but it was difficult to see or talk about; and “the same experience for different people may mean something completely different”, because everyone had a different “default settings” and a different way from the experience in the construction of meaning. Therefore, the ideal of liberal education was to make people out of this self center, learning to “how to think” and “thinking” control. Wallace then cut to the usual humor and plain philosophy from the contemporary urban life, pointing out the importance of maintaining vigilance and consciousness. At the same time, we should be free to choose the way of looking at things.

At the beginning of the speech, Wallace talked a story about the fish, and it is pointed out that “the most obvious, ubiquitous, important realities are often the hardest to see and talk about”. In our daily life, we tend to think that we are the absolute center of the natural, just like our default-setting. But most, we tend to automatically determine the thing, in fact, is completely wrong, even be fooled. Therefore in front of fact, we should learn to choose and think deeply. Then Wallace cited an example of the story of shopping in the supermarket. Just as our natural default-setting, we may think that traffic jams and crowded aisles and long checkout lines are pissed and miserable experience. When we think like this, we are operating on the automatic, unconscious belief that we are the center of the world, so that we feel the most boring and the most frustrating part in the adult world. However, if we changed our method of thinking, we may feel the difference of the things and make other choices. But doing like this is hard, needs will and mental effort. If we want to feel a meaningful and sacred experience instead of a crowed, loud, slow situation, the only thing we should do is to decide what to worship. We have the right to decided what to worship, but there are different kinds of freedom. The real freedom includes attention, and awareness, and displaying. In order to achieve this freedom, we should keep reminding ourselves “This is water” constantly. But it is hard to maintain awareness and activity in the adult world; we should keep study from now on.

As a famous saying said, life is not a lack of beauty, but the lack of eyes to find beauty. We should be good at discovering hidden in the things below the surfaceof things, it will open another world.


《美丽中国》是表现中国野生动植物和自然人文景观的大型电视纪录片,看过之后给了我深深的触动。纪录片作为“以真实生活为创作素材,以真人真事为表现对象的电 影电视艺术形式” ,其手段在于对真实素材进行艺术加工与展现,其目的在于以展现真实为 本质,并用真实引发人们思考。但是,自然类纪录片因为较少有人的参与,缺少人与人之间 一目了然的矛盾冲突和引人入胜的故事情节, 与社会类的纪录片相比, 它更多地表现为单纯 的猎奇与对真实镜头的捕捉,在思维品格上难以胜出。在纪录片创作中,创作观念是非常重 要的,创作者在拍摄纪录片之前,先要对所表现的事物进行思考。任何一部纪录片都或多或 少地体现作者对艺术和生命的态度, 纪实的品格上升为思维的品格, 才能使创作进入审美的 层次。 国际自然类电视节目主席帕萨`萨拉斯曾说: “自然类影片绝不只是动物、树和昆虫等非 常近的镜头和放大镜头,还有被称为自然精神的东西。也就是说拍摄自然类纪录片,首先需 要摄制者对自然的热爱和了解,要懂得珍爱生命、尊重生命。它需要一种人文精神,而绝不 只是为了追求感官刺激。 ”他同时还说: “现今社会强调的人文精神,并不是单纯的指对人的 价值、人的个性、人的尊严、人的地位、人的发展与人的自由的关怀、看护和尊重,还有我 们所在的这个大自然,包括自然中的一切生命。人文精神就是一种关怀,真诚的对自然世界 的一种关怀。 ”

《美丽中国》是一部反映中国自然生态的纪录片。由 BBC 环球公司与中国中视传媒股 份有限公司联合拍摄,英文名称为”WILD CHINA” ,也有译为《野性中国》《锦绣中华》, 历时三年拍摄,共六集。与其说这是一部纪录片,不如说它是一场视觉的盛宴。诗一般的画 面、 伴之纯粹大自然的声音、 独具中国气质的磅礴之声相结合的美丽画面都给我们带来 了一种久违的震撼,强大的视觉冲击力带给我们的是全新的视听完美享受。 然而,不仅如此,纪录片《美丽中国》中更有一种陷于画面和音乐背后的、厚实的浓浓 的情怀,一种博大警世的人文关怀流淌其中,它不仅给我一种视觉的震撼,更让我有了对自 然的震撼与敬畏。

《美丽中国》中的人文精神。在整部纪录片中,没有清晰的人物对白,解说词只是展示 性的, 可以说主要是在用视觉语言和影像的力量展示着自然, 更展示着不朽的人文主义精神, 这些精神深深地打动着我。 张家界深山溪水中的娃娃鱼,贵州山间的叶猴,茫茫雪山中被呼为“山中野老”的滇金 丝猴,迁徙途中在鄱阳湖歇脚的浩荡鸟群,上海郊区寺庙中 400 余岁高龄的斑点龟,贵州岩 洞中的蝙蝠。 傍晚时分, 古老爹倚在窗前, 仰头远眺, 看着遮天蔽日从北方飞来的成群雨燕, 计算着它们南来的日子,并以此盘算着插秧的日期。金腰燕飞来的第二天,各家各户就一同 忙着把秧苗移到山间的梯田之中,而头上的雨燕也在忙着建筑新巢。 如此清晰逼真的视觉语言让我在体味生命力量的挣扎的同时, 更让我深深地感受到在这 部 6 个小时的纪录片中,所展示的动物、植物是与我们人类一样平等而珍贵的生命。在优美 的摄像的引导下, 渐渐走进了大自然的世界, 逐渐用一颗平等的心态感受着自然中生命的起 起伏伏。这部纪录片带给我们的不单单是美的享受,更融入了一种生命的整合:当我们知道 在拍摄后的几周后 400 余岁高龄的斑点龟死了时会遗憾; 在蛇岛上, 当我们看到鸟儿逃脱蛇 的攻击时会高兴??影片中, 往南迁徙的鸟儿在枝头歇息, 透过画面观众看到伪装的腹蛇就 附着在同一棵树的树枝上,且仿佛那腹蛇一张口就要吞下鸟儿了,内心就会焦急万分,担忧 鸟儿能否躲过蛇的攻击。当看到有的鸟儿未能逃脱,只能成为腹蛇的食物时,令人感到无助 和无奈,并感受到了生物链的冷酷与无情。这一切令观众的心随着自然生命而跳动。 《美丽中国》中展现给观众的自然世界与每一个人所面对的并无不同:孤独、疲惫、不 能支撑和致命伤害。

《美丽中国》用它的镜头告诉人们:自然生物是我们的朋友,只不过与 我们生活的方式、地点不一样。也许是社会生活太过复杂和疲惫,我们早就忘了其实所有的 生物都是地球的主人,我们应该发现,这个地球不仅仅属于我们,还属于动物,属于更多的 生灵。纪录片引导人们关注或者说重拾的,可能正是已被忽视掉的人类与动物之间的感情、 生物之间奇妙的感应和联系。 如果每一个观众都在观后像珍惜自己一样善待动物, 那么这就 足以体现这部纪录片在现实中的价值和意义。 理解爱护珍稀动物, 保护我们的自然环境的意 义,正是影片所要表达的强烈的人文关怀精神。

《美丽中国》中的生态平衡观。文明是一把双刃剑,在带给人类物质享受和现代生活的 同时,也带来了人类与自然的隔阂和异化,人类的心灵越来越粗糙,感觉越来越迟钝,心肠 越来越坚硬??于是生命的意识淡薄,悲悯情怀丧失,人文精神缺乏,人类成为唯一只爱自 己的冷漠动物。但是《美丽中国》 ,它带给观众的不仅是美轮美奂的中国自然视觉奇观,还 有前所未有的心灵震撼, 人们震撼于大自然的美与脆弱, 让冷漠已久的心灵变得湿润、 柔软。 这部长达 6 小时的大型纪录片的特点是以自然为对象, 以平等的视点关注人与自然界中的生 物。以纪实的手法和写意的风格,来抒写和展示自然的奇观和生命的奇迹,让观众有机会近 距离地观赏中国大自然中生存的各种生命,在观赏中感受自然的壮观、神奇与美妙,感受生 命的庄严、神圣与美丽,同时也对自然法则产生了新的认识和新的思考。

《美丽中国》把思考的领域从自然界扩展到人类、扩展到人与自然的关系。实际上它是 在借大自然中生物的生存状态观察人类的行为,反思人类未来的命运。或者说,它不是从人 类的角度看自然,而是从自然的角度解读人类,即将动物的世界作为这个世界的主角,从自 然的角度来观察人类的行为, 巧妙地将动物的世界与人的世界进行艺术化的对比, 用暗示和 警示的方法来审视人类的价值观念及许多悖论性行为方式。 无污染无破坏的"自然环境本来是 自然界最美好、最壮观的景象,而人类无止境的开发与建设却把这些美好近乎破坏殆尽,多 种物种濒临灭绝,美丽的自然美景不复存在,最终也影响了人类的生存。当我们从大自然的 角度来观察这个世界时, 才能看清这个世界的面貌与形态, 才能发现这个世界的自身结构和 内在关联,才能看清自己面貌的丑陋和行为的愚蠢。 《美丽中国》中人文精神指导和欣赏下的视觉语言。视觉语言是纪录片创作者用以构成 视觉形象、表达制作思想的各种手段技法的总和。因此视觉艺术、画面思维是纪录片制作人 员应有的基本思维方式,也是电视纪录片表达创意、展示故事的主要创作思维方式。对于纪 录片来说,视觉是第一性的。纪录片是供人们欣赏的艺术品, “好看”是纪录片的“核” ,因 此,视觉语言是纪录片思维品格表达的一种最重要手段。 正是基于对自然生命的尊重与深厚的感情, 纪录片 《美丽中国》 用独具中国气质的磅礴、 浑厚、 包容的声音结合美丽的中国自然画面, 把原属于自然科学范畴的主题拍成了洋溢深厚 人文主义精神的优秀作品,其视觉语言充溢、表现着浓厚的思维品格。如大量的长镜头,跟 随对象的运动,用特效表现的风云变幻、万物生长,大量的航拍镜头展现出壮阔的美感、梯 田区的整体视觉冲击效果;运用自然光线、光度的强弱,光位的顺光、逆光、侧光,光比的明与暗等,追求写实性;运用蒙太奇的手法,切换自然中的不同场景,无不集中反映着人与 自然和谐这一伟大主题。同时,拍摄者在摄像时总是尽可能地亲近拍摄对象,获取最真实的 视觉画面、获取自然的最美好的瞬间。对于摄制者来说,它们已经不是单纯的物或景,而是 怀有情感的相互依存的“伙伴” 。

《美丽中国》 “创造和利用现实” ,以自己的人文精神与思想来指导纪录片中视觉语言的运 用,而绝不是为纪实而纪实,做呆板、机械的原生态记录。如此生动的记录给所看到的人巨 大的启发。我们都应站起呼吁: “保护自然,保护野生动植物和那些历史悠久的自然人文景观! ”
