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家庭 2007-09-29 21:19:19


个人简历在求职的过程中起到“敲门砖”的作用。 简单的英文简历模板有哪些?以下是小编为您整理的`相关资料,欢迎阅读!


Job intention: ________________

Name: Gender: ________ ________________

Date of birth: ____ years __ month __ on location: ___________

Education: Major: __________________ _______________

Marital status: _______________ at present salary: __________________

Contact information:

Home telephone: Telephone: _____________

Bp:_____________ mobile phone: _____________


Address: ____________________________________________________

Post encoding: ____________________________________________________

Educational background:

The highest degree of Education:

The highest degree __________________________ School: _____________

Professional: _____________ time: ____ years ___ to ____ years ___ month

Second Education: _____________ second academic schools: _____________

Professional: _____________ time: ____ years ___ to ____ years ___ month

Description of Education: (can be noted here: courses taken, school activities, duties, awards and articles published, etc., please increase or decrease according to personal circumstances.



Foreign language ability:

English: basic skills: _____________________ through standard test: __________________

English: two basic skills: ______________________ through standard test: ___________________


Work experience:

____ years ____ month ____ years ____ month _______________ company _______________ _______________ department work

____ years ____ month ____ years ____ month _______________ company _______________ _______________ department work

(here should be the resume of the core content, the candidate can emphasis on this, and according to the different working conditions and personal key to highlight the specific content and work experience, especially with the objective of related work experience; must say the most important, the most convincing proof of work experience and most of the company profits and related achievements; note the tone should be firm, active and effective; specific work, the ability to prove that materials; about the work experience, is generally the first to write recently, then according to the order in writing. The recent work experience is very important. Write the work date first in each work experience, then the work unit and the job. One point to be noted in this part is to make a statement of personal qualifications and abilities, and not to mention personal needs, ideals, etc.

Personal ability:

(such as computer ability, organization and coordination, or others)


Personal hobbies:

(highlighting one's own personality, working attitude, or others' evaluation of oneself, etc.)


Other instructions:

(such as the award-winning situation, etc.)

Name: resume Nationality: China

The present place of residence: the XX Nationality: the Han nationality

Domicile: XX height and weight: 158 cm 50 kg

Marital status: unmarried age: 27 years old

Job search and work experience

Type of talent: general job hunting

Job candidates: Administrative Commissioner / Assistant: Administrative Assistant, personnel commissioner, senior secretary:

Working years: 5 Title: no title

Job type: full-time can be filled: at any time

Monthly salary requirement: 2000--3500 hope working area: XX Shantou

Work experience:

Company name: xx** Electronics Co., Ltd. start and stop year: 20xx-02 to 2010-01

The nature of the company: Industry: electrical, electronic, communication equipment

Post: Assistant to the Ministry of technology and the Department of administration

Job description: mainly responsible:

(1) to help organize the recruitment and training of the employees of the company.

(2) for the appointment of staff, salary adjustment, transfer, rewards and punishments, leave, attendance statistics, payroll and other matters.

(3) to handle the labor insurance business, to be responsible for the purchase of the labor and welfare goods of the employees and the production of all kinds of uniforms.

(4) to do a good job in vehicle management, to allocate vehicles reasonably, to ensure the needs of the vehicles and the safety of the vehicles.

(5) to handle all employees' welfare and food supply.

(6) assist department heads to formulate department budgets and supervise the implementation of the budget.

(7) do a good job in the procurement and management of office supplies and fixed assets

(8) to assist in the formulation of the rules and regulations of the company.

(9) inspecting the company's environment and doing a good job of daily 5S.

(10) assist the financial verification of the handling of all kinds of reimbursement documents.

Reasons for Resignation:

Name of the company: the beginning and end of the bidding Center of CO Sheng * * *: 20xx-03 ~ 20xx-12

The nature of the company: industry owned by private enterprises: real estate, construction, installation, decoration

Post: archival, contract administrator

Job description: responsible for department documents and contract management, organizing and establishing a sound file system, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the archives.

Reasons for Resignation:

educational background

College of graduation: XX University

Highest degree: the date of graduation: 20xx-01-01

Major: second major of Chinese secretary: Computer Application

Training experience: certificate certificate number of the school (institution) in the beginning of the year and the end of the year

20xx-09 20xx-06 College of computer applications at Guangdong Institute of Science and Technology

20xx-02 20xx-01 XX University Chinese secretary

Language ability

Foreign languages: General English

Mandarin Level: good Cantonese level: good

Work ability and other expertise

During the period of archival administration, the greatest benefit is understanding of document management, preservation, distribution, destruction, confidentiality and so on. It has also cultivated my carefulness and patience and can engage in more complicated affairs. During the period of the assistant administration department, the office software is used skillfully, and the office administrative affairs can be handled independently. Good communication with people, objective and fair handling of personnel disputes, strong affinity, strong principle, good moral quality, can use the common heart to face gains and losses.

Personal autobiography

Willing to suffer hardships and suffer, actively and actively to realize their own value. The work style is fine and the people are sincere, and the affairs in the life can be arranged in a reasonable way. The work is conscientious and responsible, so as to fulfill their goals and fulfill their goals, and to put their strength into practice. They are willing to communicate with people and live in groups, have a strong spirit of team cooperation, and can actively interact to achieve the goal of team. The expectation of can provide good service for your company and employees.
