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英语初三 6单元测试精选

2020-07-23 06:57:18

英语初三 6单元测试精选

Ⅰ. 语音知识,九年级 (上) 6单元测试 (B卷)。(26%)



[ ]1. A. politely B. also C. over D. whole

[ ]2. A. happen B. very C. said D. never

[ ]3. A. listen B. smile C. strict D. ship

[ ]4. A. music B. excuse C. ruler D. use

[ ]5. A. sorry B. maths C. works D. sure

[ ]6 .A. thank B. found C. mine D. moment

[ ]7. A. moon B. classroom C.book D.wood

[ ]8. A. hours B.music C.usually D.yours

[ ]9. A. for B.morning C.or D.work


[ ]10. [pei] A. play B. pay C. plate D. palce

[ ]11. [l&st] A. last B. lost C. left D. lift

[ ]12. [faund] A. found B. find C. five D. fine

[ ]13. [ri:d] A. read B. red C. ring D. real

Ⅱ. 词形转换:用括号中所给词的`适当形式填空,使句子连贯、通顺。(18%)

1. Miss Yang loves her ______. (worker)

2. She always says something to others ______. (polite)

3. I ______ (borrow) a book from the library two weeks ago.

4. We've just ______ (find) that dictionary in the bedroom.

5. Lucy listened to foreign music ______ (careful).

6. Little Tom ______ never ______ (eat) dumplings.

7. Yesterday I ______ (meet) a foreigner. This is the first time

that I ______ ever ______ (speak) to a foreigner.

8. The classroom ______ (be) very clean. The students ______

just ______ (clean) it.

9. ______ you ______ (find) your lost pen?

No, I ______. I ______ (look) for it everywhere.

Ⅲ. 词组翻译:下列所给各组词组后都有A、B、C 三种译文,


[ ]1. on time A. 及时 B. 在当时 C. 准时

[ ]2. pay for A. 给…钱 B. 付款 C. 报酬

[ ]3. hurry off A. 赶快去 B. 赶快 C. 赶快来

[ ]4. fall asleep A. 入睡 B. 躺下来 C. 摔倒

[ ]5. from now on A. 从此起 B. 从今以后 C. 从头做起

Ⅳ. 选择正确答案填空。(12%)

[ ]1. "What has she done with the eggs?"

"She has ______ given them to Mr. Smith."

A.just B. yet C. ever D. never

[ ]2. When the teacher came into the classroom, the

students ______.

A.talking B. were talking

C.talked D. are talking

[ ]3. Yesterday afternoon I ______ to the bookshop and

______ a picture-book.

A.go, buy B. gone, bought

C.went, buyed D. went, bought

[ ]4. "You'd better ______ at once," said Mother.

A.to pick them up B. picked up them

C.pick them up D. pick up them

[ ]5. How much ______ your brother ______ the coat?

A. did, pay for B. have, pay for

C. does, pay D. did, pay

[ ]6. "Have you finished reading the book?"

"Yes, I've finished it ______."

A. yet B. already C. ever D. just

Ⅴ. 用适当的介词填空,英语试题《九年级 (上) 6单元测试 (B卷)》。(16%)

1. ______ the library, he borrowed a book ______ science.

2. I've never listened ______ such music.

3. The teacher said, "Please be more careful ______ now on."

4. We like to read newspapers ______ the reading room.

5. Thank you for helping me ______ my lessons.

6. The doctor looked ______ the boy and then gave him some medicine.

7. We are going to have a meeting ______ the meeting-room. We

must go there ______ time.

8. Look! The mother is playing ______ her children.

Ⅵ. 短文填空:用适当的词填空,使短文意思完整。(每空填一


all "library" in Professor Hunter's House

I am a bookcase but Hunter calls me "library". I am brown. I stand 1 a corner (角) of professor Hunter's study (书房) all the year round (整年). I have a lot of friends. They are books, magazines and newspapers. 2 are in English, French and

some other languages.

Hunter loves his books very much. He always uses 3 care1fully.They help 4 a lot.Hunter and his wife 5 good 6 of me. They keep a vase (花瓶) 7 my top, and Mrs Hunter 8 flowers in it every day.She gets the flowers 9 her beautiful garden.

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______

4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______

7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______
