
聚文网 > 作文 > 单元作文 > 九年级上册 > [第三单元]青春随想


[第三单元]青春随想 2016-08-12 02:29:27


Personal Information:

Name: XXX political landscape: members

Sex: Male Education: Undergraduate

Age: 22 branches: Computer Science and Technology

Ethnic: Chinese Professional: Computer Science and Technology

By penetration: Lanzhou, Gansu health status: good

knowledge structure

Major classes: C language, Discrete Mathematics, JAVA language, data structure, operating system, system architecture, compiler theory,

Database theory, computer networks

Professional courses: ORACAL practical database, DB2 UDB database, data warehouse, data mining

Elective courses: WINDOWS API programming, combinatorial mathematics, futures investment and pragmatic, Western Economics

Internship: ORACAL on the machine, graphics on the machine, the compilation of the experiment, the experimental interface

professional skills:

University received a full range of basic education, being a good professional training and abilities, as the principle in the database and data warehousing and other fields, have a solid theoretical basis and practical experience, there are strong practical ability and research analysis.

Foreign Language level:

In 2002 through the National College English Test 4, 2003 through the National College English Test 6. I heard there is a strong reading and writing skills.

The main social work:

Freshman, sophomore to participate in social practice, has a substitute teacher and tutor

Interests and expertise:

☆ love the cultural and sports activities, especially mountain climbing and soccer

☆ loving German classical philosophy, the University has during the study of Qu Yuan

☆ fascinated in the futures and securities markets, like Western economics theory and case management of enterprises having adopted

personal honor:

Public-spirited undertakings, non-remunerated blood donation 200CC

Sophomore was fresh and fresh style contest prize

main advantages:

stronger organizational capacity, planning capacity and public relations activities in the capacity of the basic form in secondary schools, universities and all-round development of continuous

strong language skills, a more profound knowledge of literature and literary talent inside

have a stronger team spirit, the students have good interpersonal skills; the students have a higher prestige, fine character


Lively and cheerful, optimistic, progressive, interested in a wide range of adaptability, on手快, studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, determination, hard, have the courage to meet new challenges.

job intentions

Competence database applications and related fields of production, scientific research work. Can also engage in trade, marketing, management and planning work activities.
