
聚文网 > 作文 > 单元作文 > 高中第四册 > [第四单元]寓言故事与科幻小说




name: nationality: china

current location: guangzhou national: han

exit and entry: guangzhou tall: 160 cm 54kg

marital status: single age: 24 years old

training certification: integrity badge:

job search intention and work experience

personnel types: ordinary job

position: trade categories: business / marketing sales / marketing type of business / sales machinery / equipment maintenance type of machinery / mold graphics

work experience: 4 title: no title

job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

monthly requirements: 1500 - XX hope that the working area: guangzhou, foshan, huadu

personal experience: XX.3-XX.3 more zhongshan letter machinery factory design assistant

guangzhou city conghua XX.4-XX.1 qinglian mold factory design assistant

XX.3-XX.12 guangfeng conghua sales motorcycle sales

educational background

graduate institutions: schools, guangzhou electrical and mechanical

highest level of education: secondary school - XX-07-01

studies by a: machinery manufacturing science and control of the two:

by education and training experience: XX.9-XX.7 schools guangzhou electrical and mechanical cad and control machinery manufacturing intermediate certificate

language ability

foreign language: english general

mandarin level: the level of fine cantonese: excellent

the ability to work and other expertise

i have good communication, good cooperation with a team spirit, enthusiasm for the work of labor dry, easy to accept new things, subject to the organization of work, others are good at education, the spirit can be hard to learn to accept a strong ability to trade has a strong interest in industry .

i look forward to the appearance of horses, determined to learn to use his life to contribute to your organization!

detailed personal autobiography

i am studying in school, pay attention to ideological and moral cultivation, strict demands on themselves, in many areas the development of the comprehensive quality of high school life, i learned the basis of professional and cultural knowledge, and the relevant certificate by the bank.

graduate work in the community since a few years, i felt the hardships of work and sweet, it gives me a certain amount of accumulated work experience, whether i am even more capacity in the knowledge or personal qualities have benefited from self-cultivation.
