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莫言 2019-08-05 13:40:51

Meet Anna Chen, Mo Yan's Swedish translator


As Chinese author Mo Yan arrived at the Swedish National Opera for a performance on Dec.13, three days after he received the Nobel Prize in Literature, by his side was Anna Gustafsson Chen, his Swedish translator.


Chen, a native Swede born in 1965, has been in the business of translating Chinese works to Swedish for the last 20 years. As of 2012, she had translated 20 Chinese novels, including Mo Yan's "Red Sorghum", "The Garlic Ballads" and "Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out". She also has translated works from other famous Chinese novelists, including Yu Hua's "To Live" and Su Tong's "Wives and Concubines." Chen has been honored by the Swedish Academy Translation Award for her work.


Chen was first acquainted with Mo Yan's work "Red Sorghum" in the early 1960s. "I read GeHaowen's English translation in a bookstore. Then, in Sweden it wasn't easy to find Chinese books. I found ["Red Sorghum"] interesting and later bought the Chinese version and tried to translate it,"she said.


Although Mo Yan wrote the first draft of "Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out" in only 43 days,Chen spent six years translating it into Chinese. After initial success, she would go on to translate Zhang Wei's "The Ancient Ship" and Mo Yan's "Forty-one Cannons" and "Frogs".

尽管莫言仅用了43天完成《生死疲劳》的初稿,陈安娜却用了6年将其翻译成中文。在第一成功翻译完莫言作品后,她开始翻译张伟的《古船》,莫言的《四十一炮》和《蛙》。Chen says her work has opened up a window to the world which few of her country men have explored.


"Learning Chinese has let me know that Sweden and the Western world are not the center of the world," she said.

学习中文让她明白瑞典和西方世界并不是世界的中心。"In fact, where a person is, that's where the center of his world is."


Meet Anna Chen, Mo Yan's Swedish translator


As Chinese author Mo Yan arrived at the Swedish National Opera for a performance on Dec.13, three days after he received the Nobel Prize in Literature, by his side was Anna Gustafsson Chen, his Swedish translator.


Chen, a native Swede born in 1965, has been in the business of translating Chinese works to Swedish for the last 20 years. As of 2012, she had translated 20 Chinese novels, including Mo Yan's "Red Sorghum", "The Garlic Ballads" and "Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out". She also has translated works from other famous Chinese novelists, including Yu Hua's "To Live" and Su Tong's "Wives and Concubines." Chen has been honored by the Swedish Academy Translation Award for her work.


Chen was first acquainted with Mo Yan's work "Red Sorghum" in the early 1960s. "I read GeHaowen's English translation in a bookstore. Then, in Sweden it wasn't easy to find Chinese books. I found ["Red Sorghum"] interesting and later bought the Chinese version and tried to translate it,"she said.


Although Mo Yan wrote the first draft of "Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out" in only 43 days,Chen spent six years translating it into Chinese. After initial success, she would go on to translate Zhang Wei's "The Ancient Ship" and Mo Yan's "Forty-one Cannons" and "Frogs".

尽管莫言仅用了43天完成《生死疲劳》的初稿,陈安娜却用了6年将其翻译成中文。在第一成功翻译完莫言作品后,她开始翻译张伟的《古船》,莫言的《四十一炮》和《蛙》。Chen says her work has opened up a window to the world which few of her country men have explored.


"Learning Chinese has let me know that Sweden and the Western world are not the center of the world," she said.

学习中文让她明白瑞典和西方世界并不是世界的中心。"In fact, where a person is, that's where the center of his world is."








她表示:“你们的支持真让我感动,也让我不好意思。请注意,诺贝尔文学奖的评委研究一个作家的时候会收集各种译本。他们看的不光是我翻译的莫言的作品,还有德文版、英文版、法文版等。他们看了这些不同版本以后才会开始讨论。所以不能说没有我的翻译,莫言就不会获奖。这样的说法对其他翻译家不公平。” 她特别指出,不应忘了美国翻译家葛浩文,没有他把莫言的多部小说译成英文,莫言的影响力恐怕难以进入西方。

