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剧本 2013-08-31 19:35:31


It’s spring. May is playing in the garden. She wants to plant some fish in it.


G: (She puts fish in the soil.) Seed, seed , come on! (她把种子撒在泥土里)种子,种子,快长出来!

F: I’m cold. I need sunshines. 我很冷,我需要阳光。

G: OK.(Run to the sun.) 好啊。(跑向阳光)

G: Grandpa Sun… Can you give my seed some sunshines? 太阳爷爷,把一些阳光给我的种子好吗?

S: No problem. (The sun shines.) 没问题。(太阳开始照耀。)

F: How warm! But I can not grow! I can not grow! 好暖啊!我可以长大了!我可以长大了!(它开始发芽。)

G: Thank you. Grandpa Sun. 谢谢您,太阳爷爷。

Sprout,sprout, can you grow now? 发芽,发芽。你现在可以长大了吗?

F: Oh, I’m thirsty now. I want some water. 我很渴,我想要喝水。

G: Water? Oh, sorry , there is no water now. What should I do? 水?没有水哦。我该怎么办呢?

W:(Grandma wind hears that and she says to May) Little girl , Don’t worry. Maybe the

cloud can help you .(风奶奶听到了,然后她对玛丽说)小姑娘,不要担心,可能云能够帮助你。

G: Thank you .( she runs to the cloud .) 谢谢您!(她又跑到云那里。)

G: Aunt cloud , My fish is thirsty, Can you help me? 云婶婶,我的鱼儿很渴,你能帮帮我吗?

C: Yes, little girl. Please wait. 好的,小姑娘,请等等。(the cloud finds her sisters.)


C: Sisters, let’s help the girl. 姐姐,帮帮这姑娘。

Clouds: great. But you should let the fish to the sea. 好啊,先把鱼放回到大海里吧。
