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推荐 2024-02-25 19:54:49







可如今的“概要写作”“读后续写”,已不再是背几十个单词,用用on the one hand......on the other hand 就可以应付了,在写作之前,先得读懂阅读材料,还得构思与原文衔接、还要用上原文所给的五个单词,然后才能续写。


年 8 月,在教育部考试中心发布的《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语科考试说明》中,提出了写作新题型:读后续写或概要写作,两种形式在不同考次不定期交替使用。读后续写作为一种全新的高考题型,于 年 10 月首次在浙江英语高考卷中亮相,并沿用至今。



“概要写作”重点考查考生理解和呈现原文要点和准确使用词汇和语法结构的能力。要求学生客观并且简练的概括出原文,而且要保证故事的完整连贯,逻辑通顺。(这类题型相对来说比较简单;考察三方面的能力:1. 找关键词的能力;2. 把关键词写成正确句子的能力;3. 把句子写成合理的段落的能力





注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.Paragraph 2:We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark.





◆ 续写思路和以往的高考英语命题作文不同,读后续写要求考生首先要读懂已有信息,不仅要读懂字面含义,还要厘清文章的脉络和关系。续写这篇短文时,考生需要明白故事的发展进程、前因后果、地理位置变化、人物情感等。在此基础上,考生顺着文章的思路,根据线索,发挥想象,对其后的情节进行合理预测,并用英语表达出来。同时,在组织语言时,切记使用5个以上给出的提示词。

◆ 续写分析(以上文浙江省真题为例)已知线索:去西部荒野——体验农场生活——骑马去森林(父亲带作者去“西部荒野”,喂鸡牧羊,体验农场生活;见父亲和叔叔骑马很是潇洒,作者心生向往,于是亲身上马体验,和父亲一同骑马走向森林……)

可续写线索:迷路?找到回农场的方法?回到农场?1. 第一段所给首句“Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.”这一句是故事发展的转折点,可从兔子出现后带来的结果入手扩展开去,可以写马受到惊吓狂奔而去,也可以写因追赶兔子而迷路,无论从何角度拓展,需注意与续写第二段首句呼应。2. 第二段所给首句“We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark.”这一句呼应前文Uncle Paul的嘱托——不要误了晚饭、不要迷路,可以从如何寻路返回入手去写续文。前文提示农场附近有河流,并且river为标有下划线的关键词语,所以可以从沿着河流回到农场的角度拓展。

◆ 续写词汇已给提示词汇:dad,Uncle Paul,farm house,river,feed,sheep,late,track,get lost,sight话题激活词汇:情感:panic,relief,nervous,worried动作:run,cry,think to oneself环境:scenery,mountain,range,valley,river,lake,forest,sun,set,wind,blowOne possible version:

◆高分范例Paragraph 1:Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. Dad and I found it was so cute that we decided to chase it. After a while, we were completely lost in the forest. There was nothing left in oursight but the trees. “We may not be able to make it back to the farm house in time for supper.” I thought to myself. After a series of fruitless attempts to find a way out, we felt hungry and tired.

Paragraph 2:We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark. We got stuck in the forest. And an unexpected shower added to the difficulty of us in finding a way home, for all the tracks we had made disappeared because of the rain. I was almost on the edge of breaking down when my father said, “Don’t worry, my son. I remember there is a river near the farm house. Find the river and we will be back home.” Finally, we found the river and got back to the house along it. Needless to say, we ate alate dinner.

问题8 如何备考读后续写?


“读后续写”备考攻略(1)精读文章,确定文章线索。每篇文章都有各自独特的写作思路,通过精读文章(考试说明中的样题是记叙文,所以可以推测,考察的主要类型是记叙文,所以下边的方法才成立),找到该篇文章的写作线索,例如什么人(who)什么时间(when)在什么地方(where)因为什么(why)做了什么事儿(what),最后有了什么发展(how)。这样分析有利于考生“顺藤摸瓜”。(2)仔细审题,明确续写要求。一般短文后面的“注意”都有对此短文续写的具体要求,如字数限制、使用几处下划线关键词语、续写段落的首句提示,这样考生能做到“心中有数”。(3)回扣原文,揣摩续写思路。根据文章后面的要求,再次快速回读短文,抓住文章的思路,结合段首的提示语,最终确定续写段落的思路,同时结合文章划线词语提示,确定续写段落的内容。(4)拟写草稿,修改错词病句。在确定了思路和内容之后,最关键的就是结合提示语或者文中划线的关键词语拟写草稿。拟写时,注意句子结构的多样性、语言的丰富性,并通过句与句之间连接词的正确使用,使上下文连贯。这一步是得分的关键。必杀技:使用2-5个动作描写,1-2个环境描写,1-2个对话,1-2个表情或者心情。例如:Paragraph 1:Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. Dad and I found it was so cute that we decided to chase it(动作一). After a while, we were completely lost in the forest.(连接词 +动作二)There was nothing left in oursight but the trees. (环境)“We may not be able to make it back to the farm house in time for supper.” I thought to myself.(对话,直言自语)After a series of fruitless attempts to find a way out, we felt hungry and tired.(动作三 + 心情表情)Paragraph 2:We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark. We got stuck in the forest(动作一). And an unexpected shower added to the difficulty of us in finding a way home, for all the tracks we had made disappeared because of the rain(环境). I was almost on the edge of breaking down(心情表情) when my father said, “Don’t worry, my son. I remember there is a river near the farm house. Find the river and we will be back home.”(对话)Finally, we found the river and got back to the house along it. Needless to say, we ate alate dinner.(动作二老师有话说:方法不难,积累是关键。应注意积累记叙文和故事类篇章中的词汇、句型和语段,尤其是涉及故事细节描写和人物的表情、动作、心理活动等的表达,丰富自己的记叙文类英文语料库。(5)标出续写部分中使用到的原材料中标有下划线的关键词语。这一点可以帮助考生检查关键词语的使用情况并根据情况做出修改。最后在誊写文字时,务必做到“字迹工整、清晰”。






【1】Parents everywhere praise their kids. (错误论点)Jenn Berman, author ofThe A to Z Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Kids,says, "We"ve gone to the opposite extreme of a few decades ago when parents tended to be more strict." (名人论据)By giving kids a lot of praise, parents think they"re building their children"s confidence, when,in fact(此词一出,前后相反),it may be just the opposite. (转折,说明后文中药)Too much praise can backfire and, when given in a way that"s insincere, make kids afraid to try new things or take a risk for fear of not being able to stay on top where their parents" praise has put them. (核心结论,简而言之:Too much praise can backfire)

【2】Still, don"t go too far in the other direction. (论点:Too little praise is damaging)Not giving enough praise can be just as damaging as giving too much. (论据一)Kids will feel like they"re not good enough or that you don"t care and, as a result, may see no point in trying hard for their accomplishments.(论据二)(来源:gaokaoyingyu150)

【3】So what is the right amount of praise? (问句引出话题)Experts say that the quality of praise is more important than the quantity.(论点,但是quality,quantity不够具体,所以可以把quality,替代为:sincere,focus on effort【论据一】,process【论据二】;quantity代替为:outcome【论据一】,end【论据二】) If praise is sincere and focused on the effort not the outcome, you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves a verbal reward." (论据一)We should especially recognize our children"s efforts to push themselves and work hard to achieve a goal, "says Donahue, author ofParenting Without Fear: Letting Go of Worry and Focusing on What Really Matters."One thing to remember is that it"s the process not the end product that matters."(论据二

【4】Your son may not be the best basketball player on his team. But if he"s out there every day and playing hard, you should praise his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses. Praising the effort and not the outcome can also mean recognizing your child when she has worked hard to clean the yard, cook dinner, or finish a book report. (论据)But whatever it is, praise should be given on a case-by-case basis and be proportionate(相称的)to the amount of effort your child has put into it. (结论,主句作用大于从句,核心词,effort)(来源:gaokaoyingyu150)


1.Parents everywhere praisetheir kids.

2.Too much and too little praise can bedamaging.

3.Parentsshould be sincere andfocus onthe process.

4.Parents shouldgive praiseto rheefforts theirkids put into the process.


参考答案:Parents tend to go to extremes when it comes to praising their kids. (要点一) Yet, both too much and too little praise can be equally damaging. (要点二) When giving praise, parents should be sincere and concentrate on the process instead of the result. (要点三) Similarly, they ought to give praise for how much effort their kids have invested in the work they’re involved in. (要点四)

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