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政府门户网站: 一份包含英语短句及例句的government portal website大全

推荐 2024-02-06 12:42:31

Government portal websites are essential platforms for citizens to access various government services and information. These websites serve as centralized hubs for government resources, ranging from official announcements and policies to public service applications and event calendars. By utilizing these portals, citizens can stay informed about the latest updates from their government and conveniently handle administrative tasks online. These online platforms also promote transparency and accountability within the government, allowing citizens to easily access public records and participate in decision-making processes. Through government portal websites, individuals can interact with their government, stay engaged in public affairs, and benefit from efficient and accessible services.

政府门户网站,government portal website

1)government portal website政府门户网站

1.Research on the evaluation system ofgovernment portal website;政府门户网站评价指标体系研究

2.Demonstrating the meaning of standardization ongovernment portal websites construction,this paper analyzes some non-standardization phenomenon and gives some suggestion on how to carry out standardization.本文在阐述规范化对政府门户网站建设的意义基础上,分析了当前中国政府门户网站建设的一些非规范化表现,对中国政府门户网站建设规范化设想提出了一些建设性意见。


parative Study of Chinese Central Government"s Official Web Portal and the U.S. Official Web Portal中国中央政府门户网站与美国联邦政府门户网站比较研究

2.Constructing Government Portal Website and Deepening E-government建设政府门户网站全面深化电子政务

3.Implementing G2B and G2C E-Government by Government Portal Website;通过政府门户网站实现G2B、G2C电子政务——以厦门市政府网站为例

4.The Research on Information Usability of City Governmental Portal;城市政府门户网站信息可用性的研究

5.A Study on Chinese Government Information Portal Evaluation Target System;我国政府门户网站评价指标体系研究

6.The Function Analysis on the Government Portal Website of Songyuan City in Jilin Province;吉林省松原市政府门户网站功能分析

7.The analysis of the problems of the government web portal;吉林省白城市政府门户网站问题分析

8.Web Portal of Inner Mongolia Government Research and Design Implementation内蒙古政府门户网站研究与设计实现

9.Enhancing Citizen Participation in Government"s Portal Website提高政府门户网站公民参与度的思考

10.An Investigation on the Design of Provincial-Level Government Portal in China中国省级政府门户网站设计调查分析

11.Government Portal"s Development Based on Web2.0基于Web2.0的政府门户网站优化研究

12.The status quo and experience in construction of Russian government portal俄罗斯政府门户网站建设现状及经验

13.Evaluation Analysis on the Portal Websites of China"s Capital Cities中国省会城市政府门户网站测评分析

14.The Image of the Government Reflected by and USA.GOV从中美政府门户网站看两国政府形象传播

15.Research on Interaction between Government Websites and Service-Government of China我国政府门户网站与服务型政府互动影响研究

16.The Study of Interactional Interface between Government Portal Websit and Public Websit;基于政府门户网站和公共网站的政府与公众互动接口研究

17.Researches on Municipal Government Portal Website Aiming at E-government;面向电子政务的地市政府门户网站研究

18.The Analysis on the Current Application Status of Maps in Governments Websites of E - Government;电子政务中政府门户网站地图应用状况分析


Government Portal政府门户网站

1.Building and perfecting the function of emergency management in government portal——Jilin Province government portal as an example政府门户网站应急管理功能的设计与完善——以吉林省政府门户网站为例

2." In this paper analyzed the status of the municipal government portal building in Zhangshu city,on this basis,the proposed refinement of the portal of the countermeasures and suggestions.政府门户网站正在逐步成为人们了解政府工作动态,查阅政府信息,指引公众办事,反映民情民意,实现网上办理事等的重要服务"窗口"。

3.The government portal,as the channel and platform of providing public services,becomes one of the most important means of the interaction between the government and the society,and its development has been the core standard to judge the progress of the state e-government.政府门户网站作为电子政务提供公共服务的平台和渠道,逐渐开始成为政府和社会互动的重要方式,其发展水平也成为衡量一个国家电子政务进程的核心标志。

3)Government Information Portal政府门户网站

1.Study on the Evaluation of LocalGovernment Information Portal of Shanxi Province;山西省地方政府门户网站评价研究

2.The Positive Research of the UrbanGovernment Information Portal Evaluation in Hubei Province;湖北省城市政府门户网站评价实证研究

4)Government website政府门户网站

1.The Performance Evaluation of Government Website:Significance,Research Present Situation and Trends政府门户网站绩效评估:意义、研究现状与趋势

2.According to the characteristics of currently public satisfaction appraisal,this article introduces means of Fuzzy Multiple-attribute Decision,which is based on expected value,to study satisfaction appraisal of government website.根据当前公众满意度测评的特点,本文引入基于期望值的模糊多属性决策方法进行政府门户网站的满意度测评研究。

5)government portals政府门户网站

1.The paper reviews theoretical and empirical studes of the performance management of e-service about the evaluation of e-government,then advances the evaluation system for the e-govenment performance of thegovernment portals and their subordinate website-group,which is based on the four variables of e-service(efficiency,reliability,privacy,satisfaction) and Federal Enterprise Architecture(FEA).在对国内外电子政务测评中关于电子服务绩效的理论研究和实证研究进行了比较和评价综述的基础上,提出了以电子服务质量中的四个变量(效率、可靠性、隐私、用户满意度)和"联邦基础架构"顾客结果评价指标为基础构建的城市政府门户网站及其子网站群的电子政务绩效评价体系,并对杭州市政府门户网站及其子网站群进行了实证研究。

2.The paper analysis the success of Singapore and points out the problems existing in ourgovernment portals,then gives some suggestion.本文概述了新加坡政府门户网站功能建设的成功经验,并对新加坡政府门户网站的功能特色进行了归纳和分析,结合我国实际情况,分析了目前我国政府门户网站建设存在的问题,提出了进一步发展和完善我国政府门户网站相关的建议。

3.Nowadays,more and more governments hope to constantly improve the public service by constructing and reforming thegovernment portals.政府门户网站作为电子政务的服务终端,是政府面向社会提供公共服务的重要窗口,是公民与政府最为重要和最为高效的交流平台。

6)government websites政府门户网站

1.Serving the idea of establishing the network to the public at home and abroad is expected to be primarily the maingovernment websites development experience.随着互联网的日益普及和信息技术的飞速发展,电子政务建设成为世界各国政府关注的焦点,树立以民为本的建网理念,以社会公众为主要服务对象是国内外政府门户网站发展的主要经验。

2.The construction of thegovernment websites is an important component of electronic government.政府门户网站的建设是电子政务的重要组成部分,同时也是加强政府和群众沟通、提高政府办事透明度、实现数字政府的主要工具。

3.With the popularity of the Internet and its application, Government Websites is becoming one of the most important areas is that contemporary innovation in government management.随着互联网的普及和应用,政府门户网站正在成为当代政府管理创新最重要的领域之一。



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  1. 2024-02-06 13:43アズキ[吉林省网友]IP:3702892588
  2. 2024-02-06 13:27瘋菇涼[湖南省网友]IP:1729848233
  3. 2024-02-06 13:12安。7n[海南省网友]IP:1730731048
  4. 2024-02-06 12:57绿雪[宁夏网友]IP:3407870416