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台词 2013-01-31 16:30:03

他们不像你期待的那样长大 真的很令人失望啊

It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want it to.


I still think he is kind of a show off.

肯定是的啊 他是动物嘛

You got to give it to him, the guy is an animal.

如果你们有天来曼哈顿的话 别担心 打个电话就行

If you ever come to look at Central Manhattan, feel free to call first.

不过说真的 绝对要先打个电话 好吗

Seriously no, call. OK?

如果机舱内气压瞬间下降 请把面罩罩上

In case of losing cabin pressure, please place the mask over your face...

好让其他乘客 不被你惊吓的表情吓坏

to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers.

我们可能这样就完了 马蒂

This could be it Marty.

但我还是想说 你是个真正的朋友 百万里挑一的

I just want you to know that you are truly a one in a million friend.

谢谢 伙计 你是最棒的 永远都是

Thanks buddy. You are the best ever.

我知道如果我告诉你 你不会介意的

I know you won't mind when I tell you...

告诉我啊 告诉我什么

Come on. Tell me it, tell me, tell me what?

- 我把你的iPod弄坏了 - 什么?!

- I broke your iPod! - What!

按键太小了嘛 我受不了...

The button were so small.

- 太恐怖了 - 对不起嘛

- It made me mad. - I'm sorry.

- 我要杀了你! - 是个意外嘛 对不起啦

I'm gonna kill you!

注意 我是机长

This is your captain speaking.

我有好消息 也有坏消息

I've got good news and bad news.

好消息就是 我们马上就要降落了

他们不像你期待的那样长大 真的很令人失望啊

It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want it to.


I still think he is kind of a show off.

肯定是的啊 他是动物嘛

You got to give it to him, the guy is an animal.

如果你们有天来曼哈顿的话 别担心 打个电话就行

If you ever come to look at Central Manhattan, feel free to call first.

不过说真的 绝对要先打个电话 好吗

Seriously no, call. OK?

如果机舱内气压瞬间下降 请把面罩罩上

In case of losing cabin pressure, please place the mask over your face...

好让其他乘客 不被你惊吓的表情吓坏

to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers.

我们可能这样就完了 马蒂

This could be it Marty.

但我还是想说 你是个真正的朋友 百万里挑一的

I just want you to know that you are truly a one in a million friend.

谢谢 伙计 你是最棒的 永远都是

Thanks buddy. You are the best ever.

我知道如果我告诉你 你不会介意的

I know you won't mind when I tell you...

告诉我啊 告诉我什么

Come on. Tell me it, tell me, tell me what?

- 我把你的iPod弄坏了 - 什么?!

- I broke your iPod! - What!

按键太小了嘛 我受不了...

The button were so small.

- 太恐怖了 - 对不起嘛

- It made me mad. - I'm sorry.

- 我要杀了你! - 是个意外嘛 对不起啦

I'm gonna kill you!

注意 我是机长

This is your captain speaking.

我有好消息 也有坏消息

I've got good news and bad news.

好消息就是 我们马上就要降落了

The good news is, we will be landing immediately.


The bad news is...


we are crush landing!

当你们要航空旅行时 我们知道 你们别无选择

When it comes to air travel, we know you have no choice what so ever.


But thanks again for choosing air penguin.

科沃斯基 伤亡报告

Kowalski, casualty report.

只有两名乘客不知去向 机长

Only two passengers unaccounted for, Skipper.

这个数字我可以接受 着陆不错 伙计们!

That's a number I can live with.Good landing boys.

喂 女孩 你够壮的啊

Goodness girl. You're huge.

你的朋友是谁呀? 或者那是你的屁股?

Who is your friend, or is that your butt?


Girl, you are as quick as you all have to.

所以 你叫摩托摩托?

So, you are Moto Moto.

这么好听的名字 当然要说两次

The name is so nice, when you say it twice.

我太老了 还不想死

I'm too old to die.

我真想亲亲你 猴子

I'd like to kiss you monkey man.


Only had two days left to live.


I'd do all the things I have ever dreamed of doing.


Like what?


I'd love to became a professional whistler.


I pretty amazing that I did know.


But I wanna get luck even better.


I'd make my living out of it.


You know what else I'd do?


I'd invade a neighboring country and impose...

不管他们愿意与否 都会强加我的意识形态予他们

...my own ideology even if they didn't want it.


She loves me.


She loves my eyes.


She loves me.


She loves my ass.


She loves my roundness.


She loves that I'm chunky.


She loves that I'm plumpy.


She loves my healthiness.


She loves my zestiness.


She loves me restlessly.


She loves me forever.

她爱我 因为她爱我

She loves me, because she loves me.

听着 摩托摩托 你最好像女皇一样待这位女士

Listen Mototo, you'd better treat this lady like a queen.

因为 我的朋友 你找到了完美的女人 朋友

Because you my friend, you found yourself the perfect woman.


If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect woman


I would give her flowers every day.


And not just any flowers, OK?


Her favorites are orchids. White.

要在早餐送到床边 六条全麦面包 正反两面都涂黄油

And breakfast in bed. Six loaves of wheat toast with butter on both sides.

不要面包皮 她喜欢这样的做法

No crusts. The way she likes it.

我会借她肩膀哭 成为她最好的朋友I'd be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend...


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and I'd spend every day trying to think of how to make her laugh.


She has the most...most amazing laugh.

我是说 我要是你就那么做

Well, I mean. That's what I would do, if I were you.

可我不是你 你最好乖乖做

But I'm not. So you do it.

可能有某人不希望 让这些照片流传在外呢
