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试题 2015-06-13 10:25:17


1. __________ 2._________ 3. __________ 4.__________ 5. __________

6._________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.___________ 10. ___________


1. cry _______ 2. this _____ 3. hot ______ 4. go _____ 5. fat _______

6. short______ 7. beautiful ________ 8. here ________ 9.black _____

10. fast ______


act, juice, bread, eleven, cook, tea, chicken, climb, coffee, shout, hamburger, twelve, milk, fifteen, eighteen, meat

1、动词类:_______ ________ ________ ________ __________

2、食物类:_______ ________ ________ ________ __________

3、数字类:_______ _______ ________ ________ __________

4、饮料类:_______ ________ ________ _________ ___________


) 1.---Can you jump like a rabbit?

--- ____________

A. Yes, I can’t. B. No, I can’t. C. Yes, it can.

) 2. A man can ______, _________ he is a cooker.

A. cooks, and. B. cook, because. C. cook, but

) 3. This is my mum ____ dad .

A. but B. and C. or

) 4. ---Mummy, I’m _______

---Have ____ tea, please.

A. hungry, a B. tired, an C. thirsty, some

) 5.---Can Tingting sing in English?


A. No, she can. B. Yes, he can C. Yes, she can.

) 6. ---Miss Peacock, what can you do ?

--- _____________

A. I can swim. B. I can climb. C. I can dance

) 7.Rose and Peter can____________

A. plays football. B. cleaning the house. C. play the piano.

) 8. Oh, so many _________________ !

A. elephant B. sheep C. butterfly

) 9. ---How many _________ in the river?

---Sixteen _________ .

A. Chicken, chickens B. stars, stars C. geese, geese

)10. I can _____ the tall tree.

A. climb B. cook C. drive

) 11. ---Rose, _____ here.

---I’m ____________.

A. comes, come B. coming, come C. come, coming

)12. ---Can the duck swim?


A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, you can. C. Yes, it can.

)13. My daddy _____a new hat.

A. have B. has C. is

)14.His mouth ____ small, and his feet _____ small, too.

A. is, is B. is, are C. are, are

)15.---Let’s _____ a spinner.

---____ a good idea!

A. make, How B. making, What C. make, What

)16. A bird. How ____________ !

A. tall B. cute C. long

)17. ---______ is the weather?

---It’s raining cats and________ .

A . How , dogs B. How’s , dog C. What, dogs

) 18.Today I want _____ race.

A. a B. an C. some

) 19. ---How about ________ a sleep?

---Why not?

A. have B. has C. having

) 20. What’s the English for 各就各位,跑?

A. Go. B. Ready. C. Ready? Go!

五、情景交际,将 Ⅰ部分能够和Ⅱ部分组成合符情理的.句子的番号填在括号里。(每题1



)1、How many mice? A、 Fifteen mice.

)2、What day is today? B、No, we aren’t.

)3、Do you like swimming? C、It’s in December.

)4、What are these? D、He is seventy-eight..

)5、Can we dance? E、They’re in front of the zebras.

)6、Where are you going? F、We are going to fly a kite.

)7、Where are the giraffes? G、No, you can’t.

)8、How old is your grandpa? H、They are rulers.

)9、When is John’s birthday? I、No, I don’t.

)10、Are you happy? J、It’s Thursday.


1. are, chickens, there, seven .

2. you , play, guitar, can, the .

3. rabbits, how, many ?

4. what , you, do, can ?

5. a,I’m,monkey,Because,I,jump,can


1. I can clean the house. (对划线部分提问)

2. I can fly a kite. (改为否定句)

3. It’s raining hard.(同义句)

4. A clever boy.(改写成感叹句)

5. My box is big. (同义句)


Peter is from Canada. He is in Class Five. He is eleven. His father works in a hospital. He is a doctor. His mother works in a school. She is a Chinese teacher. He has eleven books in his bag. He comes back today. He is not happy. He is ill today.

)1.Peter is from ______.

A. China B. Canada C. New Zealand

) 2. How old is Peter ?

A. Eight B. Twelve C. Eleven

)3. Peter’s father is a ________

A. doctor B. teacher C. nurse

) 4. Peter’s mother is a_____.

A. doctor B. teacher C. nurse

)5. Peter is _______ today.

A. happy B. tired C. ill
