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试题 2019-03-18 20:03:24

1. I don’t know __ thecomputer .

A. what to use B. how use

C. how to use D. how can use

考点分析:how to do …如何做某事

2. He often __ from theInternet for us.

A. get information B. gets information

C. get informations D.gets informations

考点分析: a:主单+vs(一般现在时)

b: information (不可数)(参考39)

补充: a piece of…四个意思:张paper首music条news/information块

3. You can __ theumbrella___ .

A. take; home B. take; to home

C. bring; home D. bring; to home

考点分析: take sth home把…带回家

home (adv) 所以home前不加to就如:go home

4. The boy is __ the ball

A. tall enough catching B. enough tall catching

C. enough tall to catch D. tall enough to catch

考点分析: a: be …to do …

b: a + enough (参考59; 13)


例: I am nice to meet.– v 变…to v原

5. Jack is good at___.

A. playing the piano B. to play the piano

C. playing piano D. to play piano

考点分析:a: at (prep) + ving

b: 杰克善于弹钢琴;如the piano杰克善于弹这架钢琴

6. –May I put my bike here?

--No, you __

A. may not B. can’t

C. might not D. mayn’t

考点分析: 回答may 开头的疑问句,用can not(基础题)(参考14)

7. He __ a lot of time__ mewith my math .

A. spends; help B. spend; helping

C. spend; to help D. spends; helping

考点分析: a: sb spend sometime (in) doing sth 花时间做某事

b: sb spend some money (on)sth花钱买…

c: help sb with sth= help sb(to) do sth
