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试题 2018-05-03 14:18:43



Ⅰ. 听录音,判断所听到的词是否与所给的汉语意思相符 ?若相符,在方格内打“√”: 若不 符,在方格内打“×”:(5分)














Ⅱ. 听句子,回答下面问题:(5分)

1. What's the man ?

2. How does Lucy go to school ?

3. Are there any erasers in the shop ?

4. What time do the children have lunch ?

5. How much is his coat ?

Ⅲ. 听对话,填写所漏掉的.词语,每空一词:(5分)

A: Look ! Mary is the tree.

B: What's she doing there ? Let's go and see.

A: Oh, she's . Today she wears a nice .

B: It's and blue. I like the colour of it.

A: Listen ! It's a song. Do you like it ?

B: Yes. But I think it's too to sing that.

A: Does her father and mother her Chinese every day ?

B:I don't think so. They have no .

A: Let's her every day. OK ?

B: All right.


Ⅰ. 语音:


1. A. says B. today C. way D. day

2. A. teach B. machine C. watch D. French

3. A. bread B. heavy C. great D. sweater

4. A. school B. food C. room D. cook

5. A. houses B. classes C. glasses D. buses


1. [ ] 2. [j] 3. [s] 4. [ ] 5. [ ]

1. A. kilo B. off C. other D. woman

2. A. very B. young C. fly D. any

3. A. picture B. uncle C. rice D. catch

4. A. wash B. away C. eleven D. often

5. A. open B. mend C. eleven D. often

Ⅱ. 词汇:(10分)


1. We go to school from Monday to F .

2. Her son likes d milk very much.

3. Is the shop open or c at this time of day ?

4. He and his sister go to a d school.

5. Mother is going s . She wants to buy some bananas for me.


6. There are a lot of in the room. (baby)

7. The are in the classroom now. (child)

8. Do Peter and Bill like ?(swim)

9. They are very to us. (friend)

10. These Canadians come from . (Canadian)

Ⅲ. 情景反应:(10分)

1. 当你的意见与别人不同时,你最好说:

A. No, you are wrong. B. You don't say right.

C. I don't think so. D. I think so.

2. 当别人问你“What's your sister ?”时,你应说:

A. She is thirteen. B. She is flying a kite.

C. She is working. D. She is a bus driver.

3. 你去商店买东西,营业员应说:

A. What do you want to buy ? B. Can I help you ?

C. What can you do for me ? D. What would you do ?

4. 当别人对你说“Excuse me. ”你想知道什么事,应说:

A. Yes ? B. OK ? C. Yes. D. OK.

5. 当有人请你吃饭时说“Help yourself to some meat. ”,你应说:

A. I don't like the meat at all. B. You are welcome.

C. Thank you. D. Don't say so.

Ⅳ. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:(10分)

1. My father (go) to work every day. But now he (watch)TV at home.

2. Look !A bird (sing) in that tree and some boys (look) up at it under the tree.

3. She (not have) any water. Please (give) her some.

4. I want (go) to the shop. Can you go with me ?

5. —Where is Lin Tao ?

—He (sit)under the tree and (think).

Ⅴ. 完成句子:(10分)


1. 她一点儿不喜欢牛奶。

She like milk .

2. 你要些喝的东西吗 ?

Would you like ?

3. 屋子后面有一辆蓝汽车。

a blue car the house.

4. 这对双胞胎看起来一样。

The twins the .

5. 请把你的书收起来。

your books , please.

Ⅵ. 补全对话,每空一词:(10分)

A: Where is my pen ? I find it. Could you help me. Please ?

B: Certainly. Is it in your bag ?

A: No, it there.

B: Sorry, I can't find it.

A:I buy a new one.

B: There is a new shop near our school. It things that. You can buy one there.

A: Is the shop open this time day ?

B: I think . I want a new ruler, too. Let's go there.

A: Look ! The shop is .

B: Oh, dear. I'm wrong. The shop isn't open Thursday afternoon.

Ⅶ. 完形填空:(10分)

Dear mother,

I'm fine here 1 China. I have classes with Chinese 2 . Now I have 3 Chinese friends. They teach me Chinese , and I teach them English. I can 4 a little Chinese now. After class we sing and 5 games.

My school is 6 very big,but it is very nice. It is 7 a river. Sometimes we go to 8 in the river. We go to school five days 9 . On Sundays I go swimming

10 my Chinese friends. I have a good time here. Don't worry about me, Mother.

Love from Kate

1. A. for B. at C. of D. in

2. A. workers B. farmers C. drivers D. students

3. A. many B. much C. a lot D. very much

4. A. listen B. speak C. say D. talk

5. A. make B. carry C. play D. do

6. A. no B. not C. don't D. doesn't

7. A. down B. in C. near D. over

8. A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. are swimming

9. A. for a week B. in a week C. at a week D. a week

10. A. and B. take C. with D. or

Ⅷ. 阅读理解:(15分)

Lin Tao is a student. He's from Beijing. He studies in No. 1 Middle School. His father is a soldier. His mother is a teacher. She teaches Chinese. His uncle is with them in Chongqing. He's a worker on a farm. He likes making things. He often makes things for the farmers. He wants to help them. It's Sunday today. His uncle is making a machine like a bike.

Lin Tao gets up at six and comes to school before eight. He goes to school six days a week. He likes school very much. He has a lot of friends at school. All his friends like him.


1. What does his father do ?

2. What does his uncle like doing ?

3. Is his uncle mending things ?

4. What time does Lin Tao get up ?

5. How many days does he go to school in a week ?



Ⅰ. 1. want to go(√)

2. in the middle of the road(×)

3. have a drink of orange(√)

4. go shopping(√)

5. half a kilo of meat(×)

Ⅱ. 1. The man is working on a machine at the factory.

2. Lucy often rides her bike to school.

3. This shop doesn't sell erasers.

4. The children have lunch at twelve.

5. His coat is ninety yuan. (1. He's a worker. 2. By bike. 3. No, there aren't. 4. A t twelve. 5. Ninety yuan. )

Ⅲ. A:Look ! Mary is standing under the tree.

B: What's she doing there ? Let's go and see.

A: Oh, she's singing. Today she wears a nice dress.

B: It's white and blue. I like the clour of it.

A: Listen ! It's a Chinese song. Do you like it ?

B: Yes. But I think it's too hard to sing that.

A: Does her father and mother teach her Chinese every day ?

B: I don't think so. They have no time.

A: Let's help her every day. OK ?

B: All right.


Ⅰ. A)1—5 ABCDA B)1—5 CBCDA

Ⅱ. 1. Friday 2. drinking 3. closed 4. different 5. shopping

6. babies 7. children 8. swimming 9. friendly 10. Canada

Ⅲ. 1—5 CDBAC

Ⅳ. 1. goes, is watching 2. is singing, are looking

3. doesn't have, give 4. to go, go

5. is singing, thinking

Ⅴ. 1. doesn't, at all 2. something to drink

3. There is, behind 4. look, same

5. Put, away

Ⅵ. can't, isn't, must, sells, like, at, of, so, closed, on

Ⅶ. 1—5 DDABC 6—10 BCADC

Ⅷ. 1. He is a soldier.

2. He likes making things.

3. No, he isn't. He is making a machine like a bike.

4. He gets up at 6∶00.

5. He goes to school 6 days a week.
