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试题 2009-03-19 17:59:38

( )1. Yesterday morning, Nancy,__________ the newspaper at home.

A. reads B. is reading C. read D. readed

( )2. Who do you want _________

A. to write B. to write to C. write D. write to

( )3. I like ______ stories and music.

A. to listen B. to listening to C. listening to D. listen t

( )4. I would like to _________ your penfriend.

A. are B. is C. am D. be

( )5.I want to make a netfriend.So I________ the internet tomorrow.

A. am serving B. am going to serve C. serve D. served

( )6. Would you like _______ tea ______ milk?

A. any, with B. any, and C. some, or D. many, and

( )7. I can _________ chat with my penfriend on the internet.

A. too B. also C. either D. yes

( )8. Can I have some ________ paper?

A. write B. writing C. to writing D. writes

( )9.There _______ a hill, some trees and many flowers in the park.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

( )10. My English is very good, I can speak _______ louder.

A. many B. very C. too D. much
